Flying Squirrel

gal flying squirrelFlying squirrel are animals very funny as well. They form strong bonds with their owners and are really fascinating to watch. Many people do not realize, but these animals were actually kept as pets for hundreds of years!

In order to maintain the minimum size of the cage between one and three flying squirrel is two feet long and two meters high by one foot deep. You should be a metal cage, instead of having a glass cage so they can climb and better air circulation. You will need a nest box in the cage to sleep Put the box at the top of the cage, because the love of flying squirrel too high. Cotton bedding should be used in the box. Do not use anything with viscose or polyester.

At the bottom of the cage, you must have some sort of rodent bedding. Do not use cedar chips or pine well. These can cause respiratory problems. You also need a water bottle and a turbine. Hamster wheels are too small, so you need to get a ferret eleven-inch wheel.

The figure below is an example of Flying Squirrel

Flying Squirrel Flying Squirrel Flying Squirrel Flying Squirrel southern flying squirrel voplaning Flying Squirrel Baby Flying Squirrel Flying Squirrel

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