A very long time, a king
cobra snake found much of the middle of the forest with his intelligence and tactics frightening. Most people and animals were afraid of him and tried various ways to avoid facing it. One day the snake heard some people go into the woods on a great saint. Out of curiosity, decided to go snake and hear what he had to say saint. Snake does not have any problems around, creating as many people he could hide among the rocks, where he still clearly hear the Holy. The saint spoke truths about the Universal Consciousness, Unconditional Love and peace. The message resonates with the snake, and from that day he decided to change his behavior towards his fellow men. The snake started to everyone with courtesy and affection thrown through an approach, but to his horror, he met with rejection and even stones at him. Trapped, and with tears in the skin, the snake was lying on the side of a track, when the Saint happened to arrive there. Saint asked the snake what happened. Clarification after hearing the story of the holy snake, you must first know who you are before you jump in the unconditional love for someone.
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Cobra Snake
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