Cat Dog is an American animated television series, the fourth Established in April 1998. The series was created by Peter Hannan for Nickelodeon. The cartoon "Fetch" was screened in theaters with The Rugrats Movie. The series shows the lives of brothers joined, with one half, one cat and one dog. Nickelodeon ordered 40 episodes of the first and planned for early in the spring of 1998. Nick has produced a series of Burbank, California, USA.
Run to the end of the series, a film made for TV was released, titled Cat Dog: The Great Parent Mystery. Rehearsals are played on Nicktoons.
The series is produced by Nickelodeon Animation Studio and Peter Hannan Productions. Its distribution is Nickelodeon.
The series follows the adventures of Cat Dog, a hybrid of a Siamese twin cats and dogs with two heads (one on each side of his body only) and no tail or hind legs. Because of his strange condition Cat Dog are considered outcasts in the town near the castle and frequently harassed by their neighbor, Winslow, a devious blue mouse, and dog grease, a gang of tough dogs. However, it is not as unusual as all other hybrids are united in their family.
The series is produced by Nickelodeon Animation Studio and Peter Hannan Productions. Its distribution is Nickelodeon.
The series follows the adventures of Cat Dog, a hybrid of a Siamese twin cats and dogs with two heads (one on each side of his body only) and no tail or hind legs. Because of his strange condition Cat Dog are considered outcasts in the town near the castle and frequently harassed by their neighbor, Winslow, a devious blue mouse, and dog grease, a gang of tough dogs. However, it is not as unusual as all other hybrids are united in their family.
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